
Japan TokuA the three countries of the crime

It is a blog of who want to bark in the sun














Cited above

To spread hope











Next of comfort women image forced recruitment image

Is ~ Mizuki ~ 's blog



Work that Kim writer couple is then plan to input is a "forced recruitment picture". Rice is also not eaten a decent, were taken to the coal mines and factories, due to have been forced to work like slaves, "drafted image" is that it is the figure of a young man lean To lose weight. A little larger than the girl image, finishing work in the coal mine, the sun has been informed that it is shaped to cover the sky by hand dazzling. Toward the light that symbolizes hope and peace in the dark is a work that will have been put that proceed one step at a time. To install these recruitment image in Japan is that it is a target.

Cited above

   Anything and everything, it is the Republic of Korea to be used for anti-Japanese.

    Trying to spread the fifth kind supplies images to the Republic of Korea all over!


The Republic of Korea across → to the whole world























Life expectancy three years current events diary's blog 1098
http://yh649490005.xsrv.jp/public_html/2016/07/28/1098-%e5%b7%b7%e9%96%93%e3%82%a2%e3%83%a9%e3%82%ab % e3% 83% ab% e3% 83% 88186 /
The post about GPA statement that "Japanese" Mr. was written from, was spreading hope in my blog.

   It without any problems Upu was in most of the blog, (the Dekorogu Decolog is playing the address of the life expectancy is deformation.) CROOZ BLOG came with a complaint to the contents of the text.

   It was also repelled erase the address of the life expectancy blog.
    Pristinamycin, it was OK that it is in English.



   ほとんどのブログでは問題無くウプれたのですが、(デコログDecologが余命のアドレスを弾くのはデフォです。)CROOZ BLOGが本文の内容に文句をつけてきました。




   ほとんどのブログでは問題無くウプれたのですが、(デコログDecologが余命のアドレスを弾くのはデフォです。)CROOZ BLOGが本文の内容に文句をつけてきました。


Spreading hope! Trick of nisin Statement

Life expectancy is three years current events diary's blog

http://yh649490005.xsrv.jp/public_html/2016/07/28/1097-%e5%b7%b7%e9%96%93%e3%82%a2%e3%83%a9%e3%82%ab % e3% 83% ab% e3% 83% 88185% e3% 80% 80% e3% 80% 80 /


2. Only Valle Let's thank on top of the already prepared. My aunt's husband, that his uncle was a teacher of the public high school.
Has become in the past tense is because was already died.
Many people of the volunteers that have been posted here, because apparently people with experience grandfather who served, will the person who is often of the same baby-boom Jr with me.
It is the best examination war was intense era After that it.
You like to say a word, in everyone, junior high school age, one and was defiant to the teacher, the person who had been hated by homeroom teacher, or no one fell to the entrance examination of public high school?
It is, but had I passed really a scholastic ability, might have been dropped by the school records certificate, no, was intentionally dropped potential is very large for a!
The average deviation of 5 times with deviation test from the teacher in the 65 Yet before the exam interview, also a high school of deviation value 60 pass is severe, or does not have the person who was said to like?
(In the test of 5 subjects 500-point scale, a total of 450 points, deviation in 1 subject average 90 points 65. a total of 400 points, it is reasonable considering the deviation value 60 in one subject average of 80 points)
For some reason it fell to received three lower school than the average deviation value as a safety zone, and the person who ended up going to the high slip of tuition private high school, while looking at the past question, "I do think Again the answer is they should match all, will have even more in doubt and the like kana? "attached to 0 points in the paper.
Things that at the time school records certificate, if the isotope point who had multiple in the entrance examination, to determine the propriety of passing nisin point wearing of the teacher's like a supplemental document, there was a city legend that such.
However, the thing that I have heard clearly from his uncle was a teacher of public high school, because school records point, to the point total of 5 subjects of public exam, is what "automatically summed are real number".
And, the number of which can be arbitrarily added in the emotions and malice of the teachers in the 500 perfect score, it applies even to the maximum 70 points.
Of particular extremely vicious is the comment field of the teacher called the evaluation report, which is in the high school records certificate.
This is a student of behavior, personality assessment, which can also be written in any lie at the discretion of the teacher.
According to the uncle was a teacher, which is also in fact have been scored, but Depending on the province, will be added in the 30 points from 20 points. That is, taking out the past of fighting just to this evaluation report Once written such as "caused the violence, which is anti-social personality, there circumstances that caused the attempted murder", -30 points, Dokoroka admission itself It will cancel.
After all, school records certificate is sent as confidential to the exam destination high school principal of the student, (is invalid take the exam Once you have opened secret letter) exam destination because the principal thing that is to determine material.
To summarize, high school records point English in exam, math, science, society, is a splendid entrance exam scores to be added to the total of 5 subjects of the national language. And, in addition to health and physical education of the five subjects (or home economics), physical education, music, 9 courses plus 4 of the items, such as art, 1 subject 5 points, referred to as the "evaluation report" to the point total of 45, one-sided by the teacher 80 points - would be discretion points with the public junior high school teacher from such person assessment Review and is 70 points plus 20 points to 30 points in the "behavior point". And 5-stage evaluation of the general subject 9 subjects also, with a 0 rating, "the submission is not out within the deadline" in two-thirds justification such as "there is no aggressiveness," "late absence is often" in teacher discretion are you.
In addition one of the remaining three minutes is the evaluation to be attached from the accumulation of actual interim and year-end test, even at an average of 90 points of the three-year interim and year-end test, except before and after "there is no application force," "test question to not answer, "such as saying the average 45 points in the malicious judgment would be reasonable, it seems to be possible to put the evaluation, such as.
In other words, what an excellent student as well, if you buy the teacher of the antipathy of the Japan Teachers' Union, do not get only school points 45 points out of 9 points.
In addition, this evaluation report by you minus evaluation point of MAX30 points are added (ie, out of school points + evaluation points 80 points, be given to students who hated the teacher is 9 points. In total, of the exam the total number will be minus 61 to 71 points, which was actually taken at the time. deviation 65 = exam scores 450/500 points, since the point -70 = 380/500, "average deviation in here in three-party meeting 65 even, but not come out the theory of public teachers that such not Ukara in the public high schools of the deviation value 60 under the notch ").
On the other hand, is Bon dark son of the PTA president, the son of Communist Party members school points 40 (because there is evaluation to be calculated from the summing point of the actual interim and year-end test, will not be up 45 points to fool indeed), the evaluation point Once you become 30, the total number of points taken substantially in a test at this time Bon dark of the exam, the 70 points will be added. In this case, test scores at the time of the exam if you take 350 points in 5 subjects total, it will be in the 500-point scale a total of 420 points. Karakuri the deviation value 55 before and after the man pass the public high schools of deviation 60 is here.

3. The S was my best friend, junior high school age, third place the whole school in the intelligence test, the average deviation value 66. There is a chivalrous spirit, Japan Teachers' Union teachers teach study to affirm the bad students "There is no high school to go", was allowed to enroll they did not know the number of minutes in junior high school three years to all private schools. But his father is a criminal of Public Safety Division of S police, also he knew his own his homeroom teacher is a union member of the Japan Teachers' Union in the Communist Party members. And whether the grudge-back, or because the son of the enemy, a man of average deviation 66 in the three-party meeting is also difficult to enroll in a public high school of deviation value 55, she was sentenced, such as with the homeroom teacher of the Japan Teachers' Union. Once, he is in a fight with one of the poor in an attempt to stop the bullying, chalk Sleeper will be blood blister stunned to give tighten the neck as floats in the face, there was a thing that was in hospital feed. This is from my grade the opportunity I was no longer bullying, the teacher in the three-party meeting, "It has caused a year ago to attempted murder, there is a duty to also report that these" and etc. a policeman I mentioned in front of his father. Just the main culprit of the Hiroshima junior high school student suicide incident, completely mental structure and Miyoko Shinozuka is a Communist Party member in the Japan Teachers' Union was the same sneaky teacher.
He eventually was received the 2-position of the public high school in the province over the objection (deviation value 65), fell prospectus street of Japan Teachers' Union teacher, went to private schools of less than deviation value 60 was a slip.
However, this opportunity, his family relationship at stake economically things are made worse, life subsequent S got mad. ... He had thought that I think we will become a lawyer or politician future, now is in the Al, is so in and out of the hospital.
Such a person would have the heck what people?
In other words, rather than the other true of academic society in Japan is of the time of the stage Jr, I examination war was also cheating.
Regardless of the identity, capable of Yuhan was the Edo period appointing personnel lord, whether the education system made of Meiji elder statesman how that enables success in life through education What was?
... Japan Teachers' Union is based on the condition that does not cause such as a strike, we are fed the executive to the Board of Education of each province. So we were able to obscurantist of policy of such education at ease.
But now long, I think that modern Shoin teacher life expectancy teacher, please I think the last post.
And, education to the control of the Japan Teachers' Union (and, as Shintaro-sama gave me once posted, how much current to a Japanese university Will Professor of left-wing and Koreans often? Is really abnormal), of this taken to rot country education in order to rebuild the, "Japan teachers 'Union, all guru to compromised public junior high school, teachers of public high schools, especially deprivation of issuing authority of nisin certificate, letter of recommendation by a public junior high school teachers of the Japan teachers' Union, which dominated the compulsory education," "public teacher it "and strictly prohibited the union activities of, in the case of forced school records incorporated by reference material by isotope point, the recommendation letters are used,
Please be "conducted a public statement of nisin, a teacher, who defeated the evaluation of facts and different public and private confusion in light of the third-party evaluation to revoke a teacher's license," the Prime Minister's Office e-mail to the effect that by all means add.
How, thank you.

Cited above

   In terms of this body, I will do such people who have favor in homeroom. Rather than give the, I think that I wanted to fairly support. Marr, But you might be mistaken.





2. 身バレはもう覚悟の上で申し上げましょう。私の叔母の亭主、つまり叔父は公立高校の教師でした。

3. 私の親友だったSは、中学時代、知能テストで全校3位、平均偏差値66。男気があり、日教組教師が「行く高校はない」と断言した不良生徒たちに勉強を教え、中学3年で分数もわからなかった彼らを全員私立校に入学させました。しかし彼の父親はS県警の公安課の刑事であり、彼の担任が共産党員で日教組の組合員であることも彼自身知っていた。そして意趣返しか、敵の子息だからか、三者面談で平均偏差値66の男が、偏差値55の公立高校に入学するのも難しい、などとその日教組の担任に言い渡されたのです。かつて、彼がいじめを止めようとして不良の一人と喧嘩になり、チョークスリーパーで顔中に血豆が浮かぶほど首を締めあげて気絶させてしまい、病院送りにしたことがありました。これを機に私の学年からはいじめがなくなったのですが、その教師は三者面談で「1年前に殺人未遂を起こしているし、こういった事も報告する義務がある」などと警官である彼の父親の前で述べたのです。まさに広島中学生自殺事件の主犯、日教組で共産党員である篠塚美代子と全く精神構造が同じ卑劣な教師でした。







2. 身バレはもう覚悟の上で申し上げましょう。私の叔母の亭主、つまり叔父は公立高校の教師でした。
3. 私の親友だったSは、中学時代、知能テストで全校3位、平均偏差値66。男気があり、日教組教師が「行く高校はない」と断言した不良生徒たちに勉強を教え、中学3年で分数もわからなかった彼らを全員私立校に入学させました。しかし彼の父親はS県警の公安課の刑事であり、彼の担任が共産党員で日教組の組合員であることも彼自身知っていた。そして意趣返しか、敵の子息だからか、三者面談で平均偏差値66の男が、偏差値55の公立高校に入学するのも難しい、などとその日教組の担任に言い渡されたのです。かつて、彼がいじめを止めようとして不良の一人と喧嘩になり、チョークスリーパーで顔中に血豆が浮かぶほど首を締めあげて気絶させてしまい、病院送りにしたことがありました。これを機に私の学年からはいじめがなくなったのですが、その教師は三者面談で「1年前に殺人未遂を起こしているし、こういった事も報告する義務がある」などと警官である彼の父親の前で述べたのです。まさに広島中学生自殺事件の主犯、日教組で共産党員である篠塚美代子と全く精神構造が同じ卑劣な教師でした。



Spreading hope! Makoto Sakurai speech

Life expectancy is three years current events diary ~ 's blog

http://yh649490005.xsrv.jp/public_html/2016/07/29/1107-%e5%b7%b7%e9%96%93%e3%82%a2%e3%83%a9%e3%82%ab % e3% 83% ab% e3% 83% 88188 /

Quote to

July 27, 14:00

In front TOYOSU LaLaport

Makoto Sakurai gubernatorial candidate soapbox ① (Abstract) *****

Now, it was entrusted to introduce. We will run in the gubernatorial election, there Sakurai Makotode.
Though I'm supposed has become the eye of the typhoon, as you can see, coverage of the media there is not at all. There is always the street. I I'm hated to Tokoton to the media.
No it anymore, I every time every time, but liked, had been out on the news yesterday.
The three major candidates. Except for the NHK, the three major candidates for commercial broadcasting is flowing is, roughly 95% or more, 95% or more when viewed in the broadcast time. It jams, we candidacy this time is 21 candidates. Including me. Of the 21 candidates, that the TV media commercial is reportedly 3 candidate and,, the 3 candidates, actually see and use more than 95% of the time at the time, and, less than 5 percent of the remaining 18 people in we have to introduce to you.
This Fuzaketa Irya doing biased coverage, I Who do think, would have be the decided the selected from the guys that have been referred to as the three main candidates from the three.
But I, however, it is here in, is that so that Shuntaro Torigoe was doing propaganda in exactly the same this place. Than at that time, a lot of you, we have gathered in front this LaLaport. (applause)
Thank you very much.
Well, you ask to everyone. Do you guys came in the TV media? Radio or something, or something newspaper, Makoto Sakurai, did you wrote saying Toka do today propaganda in front LaLaport.
Hitokko also I did not write such a thing. In other words, everyone I people are coming here, not in such a TV media, through the net, listening to talk from many people, and, I'm such should have gathered here today I. Of course, the media is strong. What if the gloss over it is but. The three main people who are said to be a candidate, this people is probably, in the next Governor will do are in the nearest.
However, this only a lot of people is, do not be fooled by the media, doing this, to LaLaport of Toyosu. Is Toyosu. Here, in the first place. Today, it's a weekday. Toyosu of weekday of waiting during the day. First of all, we do not have that people gather here.
We do not have reason to gather to be over in mobilization.
However I, as you know also you, I guess, even want to spend mobilization, Nde there is no money. You will plenty if able money. However, those not it does not. I so much, I though I'm not that say to the swagger that say this.
Here, everyone is to listen to my story in their own will, to do this, I know Has that come.
I said earlier, three people the media drips, Yuriko Koike candidate, Hiroya Masuda candidate, Shuntaro Torigoe candidates. In each, there is a problem.
First, Shuntaro Torigoe candidates.
The other, this is it. It takes a terrible bashing in women's issues.
It is Thanks, this just is but would do not the cause, as was said earlier, in their 20s. Where the Sankei Shimbun reported, it be said only in the 20s, it be said only men do, in their 20s, and Sakurai of support rate exceeds the Torigoe. There was so coverage. (applause)
Thank you very much.
In, and not only that, the other, probably Shuntaro Torigoe candidate mess.
For example, during this time, I went to Oshima. Is yesterday, in, or said what and its Oshima?
The consumption tax, 10% now, Is now 8%, this time, will be 10 percent in the next year or the year after next. And in half the consumption tax. And 5% were a say promise.
I have no reason to be in this thing Governor.
It is that, say the consumption tax, but I was this national issue, taxes. In, and, it is I is not Wake that can be under the authority of the Governor that I say to half the consumption tax, which was decided in the national politics.
It I he says.
In, furthermore, I was surprised is, from within 250 kilometers radius around the Tokyo, I nuclear power plants, eliminate all, and stop all.
This, from the referred to as the 250 km Tokyo, and the other, I do that would include approximately, the East. Tokyo Governor, I wish I had what kind of authority, other than Tokyo.
That, incidentally but leave say, there is no primary Domo be said to be one in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
But where is it that the most I, financed the most power demand from the nuclear power plant. It's this Tokyo.
So I, if the Tokyo residents, if the human representative of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, even if it no matter how, even if there is no matter how criticism, also said that no matter how dangerous, it is now, that it is absolutely necessary nuclear power plant ( do not to be speaking.)
So, I guess, but we tell before you, I, nuclear power plants I'm a primary re-running school.
So to say, I do not say the make a nuclear power plant.
It has a certain nuclear power plant was temporarily stopped now. Or even stop, from there, Well store how do the plutonium?
Is the half-life of 20,000 years of plutonium.
How it got to this.
If you press in something switch, immediately, I think it stops, such people is I'm too many.
In short, everyone is shed bullshit information of guys that have complained of anti-nuclear, and, I know Daque that are danced to the information.
If you think calmly, the other nuclear power plant is greater than or equal to the running once, stop not with.
So I if you go something in the United States. Digging up the basement of the basement of the Nevada desert, and, I there. If you store the fuel material such as plutonium. Tens of thousands of years, this is I can. If the United States.
Well if be said whether it can be in Japan, unfortunately, can not at the moment roughly. Can not or more, this is to be up and running, and in a waste, I have to say.
And, it is in it, even in a nuclear power plant, it is for example, Toka is built directly above the active fault, I kind of dangerous, for the nuclear power plant, and it should stop, I also think. However, though is, for example, it happened that the nuclear accident in Fukushima, in that nuclear power plant accident, had caused the accident I'm American-made.
I this, people do not know is I'm too too much.
We have a place called Onagawa in that immediately on. I, the Onagawa nuclear power plant. In response to the victims of the tsunami in the same way, but was damaged in the earthquake, made in Japan of Onagawa nuclear power plant did not have lit Vic.
In this way I, because I'm American-made nuclear power plant is dangerous, to say stop the Fukushima nuclear power plant but you know, so the saying, and tried to stop the nuclear power plant in Japan, say that once you eliminate all the , it Boron a pole ball act. (That's it)
****that's all

This Abstract More of Makoto Sakurai gubernatorial candidate soapbox.
Toyosu pm July 27, 14 LaLaport ago Makoto Sakurai Governor candidate soapbox ② (Abstract) *****
And, Hiroya Masuda candidate. Earlier, it is as I said. Ne. It is this person, I'm immigrants acceptance favor.
In, let's also found foreign carrots regime.
In addition, it was there in this person, Iwate Governor.
Iwate Governor era, South Korea, the Koreans, Japan for South Korea bought, and did terrible thing.
Or did what terrible thing, by all means, I but I want you to tell me.
Because I was doing terrible thing, Japan is it, that was said to be, that we should atone for patience, this is Hiroya Masuda candidate. (Do not be silly)
Just, as I said, how did what terrible thing, for the Koreans.
It is that you have to double the population?
It is that you have to double life?
Or I, or is that the grain production capacity has been doubled?
Is it modernized?

I place the end of the day, Japanese, selfishness, during the colonial period, or, So you where they say, during the colonial period, to merge era, to modernize the South Korea, extending the life twice.
Be referred to as the life is extended to 2-fold, bringing the modern medicine, and, it was dramatically reduced the infant mortality rate.
In the other, it's this unexplained. (Exactly)
And, grain production, we have to increase the amount of rice that humans eat twice.
This is just that, to merge era, Japan is the Wake did to him in the Korean Peninsula.
Separately, I to Koreans, the Koreans, the Japanese did also Anna good thing. It was also done such a good thing. It sleeps very much, it does not estimate condescending say Mashiku. As the Japanese.
But I, anything and everything, all referred to as Japan is bad, for the anti-Japanese behavior of that South Korean people, we, the point to be argued, absolutely, I do not I have to insist. (Applause, the street)
Is not it obvious or, everyone.
This would be, if indeed, the Japanese I was abused Koreans. I if I say that was genocide, but I think that regret I have to apologize.
I population has doubled.
I Li morning the end, 13 million people Koreans should was not only is, in the statistics of the 1944 fiscal year, and what, beyond the 25 million people. It has increased to double.

I this. How do you say if the interpretation?
We are, for the Koreans, I for our ancestors who we are Koreans, are you even giving others eat of their own.
But is, for example, I think there is something referred to as the poll tax. It says the poll tax and the United Kingdom had always imposed on colonial. This, and say something, even newborn baby, the rear are numbered no elderly also, and I is the same per capita much all, say that whisk the tax is the poll tax.
However, Japan is, I do not impose this poll tax. On the Korean Peninsula.
Far from it is, it be said with respect to liquor tax, it is that, it is a drink. Korean people to drink is Doburoku referred to in Japan referred to as rice wine. The rice wine, and if bought in the Korean Peninsula, if you bought in Japan, at that time, 70 years ago, 100 years before the story from now. I If you buy in Japan was higher than buying in the Korean Peninsula.
And say what it, I'm Governor-General of Korea was in liquor tax, the tax half of the Korean Peninsula. For this reason, rice wine to buy in Japan was high. Is it I was higher towards the rice wine.
Where of I to the world, to anywhere in the world, abuse and exploitation was human, exploitation country is, or there is a stupid country Nante cheaper the country of tax, I do not.

I that, should I look at the one by one, to South Korea, selfishness of Korea, the Korean Peninsula, the referred to as such was that Japan is terrible is, is nothing more than fiction. (Yes, applause)

*****that's all.

Cited above

   For some reason, the impasto Aunt but has been cut, it is a sound argument.

    I do not have the right to vote in the gubernatorial elections in but, if asked who you cast one vote, definitely invest in Mr. Makoto Sakurai. Because there is a low possibility that he is to win, not Best of Sakurai Makotode, also there is a conservative blog opinion that trying to thick coating princess of Better. It also I think that it is some truth, but I think that says a vote should not forget the large principle that thing to choose the person you want to be yourself elected.














